We want to know you "*" indicates required fields Your Name First Last Email Address Phone NumberWhich city do you live in? Calgary Edmonton Victoria Vancouver Toronto Halifax Other Would you be available Monday to Friday 8AM-3:30PM during your program week(s)? Yes No Other Do you have a Police Security Clearance? Yes! No but I can get one No and I can't get one Please indicate which languages you speak well enough to teach a class of Elementary Students! English French Spanish Mandarin Hindi Other What is the youngest student you have taught dance to in a class setting? <5 years old 6-8 years old 9-12 years old 13-15 years old 16+ years old What is the largest group of students you have instructed? <10 10-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 70+ How long have you been teaching dance? <2 years 2-5 years 6-10 years 10+ years Tell us about any experience you've had working with children aged 5-16?Have you ever had to create routines for young students? Please tell us about it!Many of our programs involve teaching short, simple, dance routines to 10 different classes. These routines must be ready to perform within four 30-minute sessions. Does this sound like something you’d be capable of?* Are you comfortable projecting your voice to ensure that you are heard? Absolutely! I guess, if I have to No, I really can't Are you interested in and capable of leading programs in other cities if expenses are paid? Yes! Sounds fun! Possible. It would depend on the dates. Sorry, no can do. Do you have access to a car? Yes Nope Which dance styles are you comfortable teaching to students at a beginner level? Have you ever taught an in-school program? If so, how many and what grade level? How many weeks per month would you ideally like to be working in the schools? 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week Do you have another source of income or would you be relying on SK Dance Programs for 100% of your income?I have another source of incomeSK Dance Programs be my main source of incomeAre there any weeks or months that you already know that you will not be available?* Please describe any other experience that you have had that would make you an ideal candidate for In-School Instruction.Is there anything else you'd like us to know?CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 83732Δ